Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow Weekend/Faith in her jumparoo

Here is a video of our snowed in weekend and Faith in her jumparoo-the best entertainment.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Light at the end of the tunnel

I am not going to lie, it has been a crazy almost 4 months. I am sure Jay would agree, these past few months have been a blur. With the post partum depression, the colic, and the acid reflux, I am quite surprised the only thing that hasn't made it out alive is a hydrangea plant (just never got around to planting it or watering it, as you can probably imagine why).

It has been a tough road, and just when I thought life would never get any better, Faith hit 3 months and went from a baby filled with rage to a smiling, cooing human being (ok sometimes she still gets a little mad, but I can handle little bouts as opposed to all the time). And at 3 months, my postpartum has seemed to be almost nonexistent. I am just glad to feel like a human being again. I can sleep like a normal person and find the joys in everyday life. And most importantly, I love my little girl like I always dreamed I would.

I definitely couldn't have made it through this tough time without all of my friends and family (especially my parents and my in-laws) offering all of their support and prayers. Our offer group showered us with everything from meals to advice to prayers. I thought I loved them before all of this, but I love them even more!

I am especially grateful to my friends because for a couple of months I didn't return phone calls or make an effort. I especially am grateful for my two besties, one very busy in vet school but always ready to say a kind word through facebook and my other bestie calling a leaving messages of encouragement and never getting mad at me not calling back.

I laugh a lot about Faith's name because she really has tested our Faith. God must have needed to teach us patience in a bad way, lol. But I could not ask for a sweeter baby, we all know Faith is the greatest!

Another blessing this month was getting to work a day. I am working prn (just whenever the dietitian needs off or they need an extra person). Working that 1 day helped me realize I still love being a dietitian and I must have talked off anyone's ear who would listen because it was so nice to have adult interaction.

The past couple of days have also been chaos. A monster stomach flu hit our house. First I got sick and then Jay got sick. To top it off, my mom and dad were sick with something else. My mom, a superhero minus the cape, is our saving grace lately when it comes to giving us much needed rest by watching Faith for us. Unfortunately, with her illness, she couldn't so we were on our own. Thank God for Jay! I never could have made it without him helping me and letting me take all those naps during our illness fiasco. AND as the GI doctor had warned, Faith's reflux is peaking at around 4 months so we are battling that once again. Every meal is a battle these days but at least we know it can get better.

Wow, that was super long....If you are still reading at this point, God bless you. I promise the next posts will be short and sweet. And it will be more Faith focused. Each post I plan to update you on Faith's new accomplishments, sweet moments, etc. And if there is anything interesting going on in mine and Jay's life I will update that too. And of course, more pictures will be added all the time.

Faith's new fascination: her feet

Sleeping patterns: (pattern? yea right!) It is always a surprise. Sometimes she will sleep through the night, other times she will wake up 5 times a night. (Side note: I never thought I would think 6:30 am is sleeping in, but it is now!)

My favorite activity with Faith: reading her books. I love to read her the Clifford books and replace Clifford's name with Bironas (our dog's name), she thinks it is hilarious!

Exciting things to come: We will be starting solids very soon. By the way she eyes our food longingly, I think she will be in love!

Faith's measurments (as of a few weeks ago at the GI doc's office) 16 lbs and 26 inches (Good Lord)

And as always, such a Daddy's girl!

More updates to come soon!