Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mommy Grace

Well we are making a lot of progress here at the Porter household. For one, Faith is finally coming around to solid food. She loves applesauce and butternut squash mixed with rice cereal. We tried carrots yesterday. She was more interested in playing with them though than she was with actually eating them. I have recently added Faith onto our membership at the YMCA so a few times a week I work out at the Y and Faith will stay in the child care for a couple of hours. Yesterday when I went to pick her up, one of the daycare workers said, "She sure is a happy baby." I almost fell to my knees. I mean, I know she is getting a lot better and she sure does laugh and smile more than she cries (a welcome change from the first few months), but it still shocked me. If they had said that a couple of months ago, it would have been out of sarcasm. Thank you Y lady for making my day =).

On the mommy front, things are about the same. I am still lonely as heck at home, and definitely want to go back to work a few days a week. I am having to be patient though (I have been having to do a lot of that lately, God you trying to tell me something?) and wait for a job to come along. I just have to pray that the right one will come along. I am looking forward to next weekend because I am going on a silent retreat where I can think things through and also get to get a massage =). I just got a book from a book store called "Mommy Grace" that is basically about ways to forgive ourselves as moms and not feel guilty about it. I have not gotten to read any of it yet, but might take it along on the silent retreat.

Other than that, same old same old. Jay is still working hard at work.

Oh, and we have had over a week in a row of sleeping until at least 4:30 am. It is a miracle. The couple of nights of crying it out were hell but worth it. Faith is getting sleep as are we =)

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